Review of Barack Obama’s Phony, Full of Shit DNC Speech
As Americans bitch about a political process from a partisan view of their immediate surroundings — California is burning once again. And here in Da Nang, Vietnam — we’re going through a second-wave of lockdowns, into the fourth week. The massage parlors are closed. Barack Obama, you’re gonna catch hell.
Of course, a good chunk of the country back in America is righteously upset at the opposing political leanings of their party. Which side is right and which side is wrong? That all depends on who you ask, I guess.
Former President Barack Obama gave his DNC speech last night from the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania was originally an English colony, slated for Quaker William Penn in exchange for a royal debt owed by British monarch King George II. (See here.) Were British kings elected? Was William Penn elected? Hmm.
The land, of course, in the area of Philadelphia had already been inhabited by numerous Native American tribes. Penn’s original panacea was to turn the region into a religiously tolerant land. (It would lead to smallpox.) He traded with the tribes there and he instructed his sons, who would inherit the land, not to give them, the native tribes, any alcohol. It would distort their trading sensibilities, Penn cautiously told them.
(This is information that’s freely available in the Philadelphia Central Public Library on Vine Street in Center City. I’d spent a lot of time there as a nerdy loner. To me, it was one of the most worthwhile things about the city. Before I left Philadelphia, I used to walk around and have terrible visions of big floods that’d inundate the city to the point of it being uninhabitable. But that’s a whole other story.)
Once Penn peaced, his sons took up trade with the local tribes and gave them booze. Penn’s sons then tricked the natives into expanding the land-holdings of England for the benefit of speculators and the wealthy industrialized elites who thought and felt that being white was a supreme right by god, the Rights of Man, Manifest Destiny, Freedom, Democracy — all that shit those guys used as “values” for their own benefit.
The natives were soon gone from the region and Philadelphia became the center of the American Revolution! (Except for slaves, blacks, women, Indians, and you had to own land, too. Otherwise, you weren’t allowed to vote in this new country where the educated landowners created a system of governance designed to reduce their excise — tax — payments to the bloody King of England. In fact, in one of the first uses of the U.S. military, the inaugural American President, George Washington, sent various militias of a few new states to western Pennsylvania to put down a Whiskey Rebellion, which had sparked due to whiskey distillers not wanting to pay new taxes for the Revolutionary War.) Wars cost money. And so do Revolutions. The speculators and other investors of America’s birthright wanted a return on their investment. That debt continues to this day. So does the protection of worldwide capitalism and U.S. expansionism of the federal government by the U.S. military with nearly a thousand bases all over the world in nearly 150 countries. And a whole shitload of nuclear weapons.
Who has paid for the greatest Empire in the history of planet Earth? The American taxpayer.
Since President Donald Trump was elected, America’s military budget has greatly increased. (With Democrats voting for it each and every time.) Finally, something both political parties in America can agree on: taxes and bombs.
So it was with sexless aplomb that Barack Obama’s DNC speech sickened me. Just like all of his other previous speeches that were filled with flowery rhetoric that totally ignored the reality of our modern era. This, to me, was one of the greatest reasons why America had been put to sleep after the creepy fascism of former President George W. Bush (torture, drone assassinations, warrantless domestic spying). Unfortunately, the content of Obama’s character was filled with distortions and lies — as every American president’s since the U.S. military dropped one of the most devastating forces known to the human species: the A-bomb.
Anyway, back to Obama’s flowery speech. Filled with double-speak.
Obama had done his duty to increase the American Empire through the continuation of the War on Terror, vastly expanding America’s (racist) imperialism in every unelectable fashion known to the current international political and worldwide economic system.
This guy dropped over 26,000 bombs on seven Muslim-majority countries during an election year, turned two wars into at least seven (nobody really knows anymore how many wars America is in at this point), thus making him the only American president to be at war for two terms in office, deported nearly three million immigrants, more than all of the previous U.S. presidents of the 20th century, combined, prosecuted journalists, prosecuted more whistleblowers through the Espionage Act than all of the previous U.S. presidents, combined, signed into law the NDAA which stipulates that the federal government can arrest anyone, anywhere in the world, at any time, forever, (which could “give future presidents the authority to throw American citizens into prison for life without charges or a trial”), presided over an ATF that purposefully allowed firearms to be sold to suspected Mexcian drug cartel members before they were smuggled acoss the border with Mexico, bailed out Wall Street for like $29 trillion — kicking people out of their homes during one of the worst economic depressions in the history of America (“The country’s first Black president contributed to a significant disintegration of wealth for people of color.”), had a State Department that was basically a gun-running front organization for U.S. weapons manufacturers (“U.S. weapons exports increased 43% under Obama”), butchered Libya back into a slave-market economy (displacing over 700,000 Libyans and resulting in the death of over 20,000 civilians as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton laughed about it on TV), sold about $100 billion in arms to Saudi Arabia , a country that’s been committing war crimes, using U.S. weapons to bomb schools and hospitals, in Yemen since 2015 — killing tens of thousands, and upward of more than a hundred thousand civilians, displacing more than two million Yemenis, and leaving one of the poorest countries on the planet with a large chunk of its 28 million population on the brink of starvation, mostly children, creating one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters — was working on international trade deals up to November 2016 with Asian countries that could’ve placed American workers in competition with overseas workers that have a minimum wage of like $200/month, it goes on and on, and he has a Nobel Peace Prize, is worshipped and adored by educated people who are clueless about politics.
Here he is arrogantly bullshitting the country about the importance of voting even though nobody voted for a majority of anything mentioned above. Barely any mention, either, about his place in history that led Americans to vote for someone like Trump. Says nothing about the fact that the U.S. healthcare system he signed into law originated in the Republican Party with an individual mandate that fines those who don’t purchase healthcare (considered unconstitutional by some), and was guided by corporate lobbyists in Washington, D.C. (No public option, and it still leaves nearly 30 million Americans uninsured.) And with no Universal Health Care, as it’s available in most of the industrialized countries in the world, it’s impossible to estimate or overstate how tyrannical tying medical insurance to employment truly is, especially if it hurts average Americans during a viral pandemic.
This is such a phony speech written to please everybody by a guy who became a millionaire from public service and continues to make it seem like the Democrats are morally superior to the Republicans. Our country is so fucking full of shit, it hurts. Obama is just as big of a corporate con as Trump is, maybe even more so.
Democrats have even used illegal immigration as a political pawn to score more seats in districts and municipalities all across the country — illegal immigration centers mostly in America’s liberal cities and swing states, thus boosting population numbers and electoral votes in America’s broken, wholly corrupted political system — on both sides of the aisle — up and down the ballots, all across the country. The DNC even blocked out Bernie Sanders’ campaigns in two primaries, effectively banishing any progressive voices from legitimizing real change when the country needs it most.
I’d like to write more about how Biden was one of the most primary driving forces in the militarization of America’s police-state. But what’s the use?
America is the shallow, money-driven culture of a planetary dystopia.
The wailing and outcries of America’s sleeping populace.
They’ve only just begun.